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The results from point counts show that there are more non-native birds than native birds within the sites that I went to. Out of the eight birds that were caught, all of them were non-native. Results from processing the birds show that birds in our forests have low fat scores that may be caused by a lack of food or because they don't need to gain weight for migration. All the birds that were processed had some amount of parasites in them. By looking around at the sites, there are an abundance of guava, strawberry guava, and clidemia which are all non-native fruiting plants that birds can eat from but I only saw native fruiting plants around the net sites at the Pu'u Ohia Trail. The presence of the non-native birds causes competition for resources and takes away from the native birds. The birds are also spreading more of these invasive plants because they are eating the fruit of the invasive plants and then dispersing the seeds somewhere else, continuing the growth of the invasive plants, causing more competition for the native plants.

Image of Strawberry Guava from

Image of Clidemia

Image of Guava trees


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